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Cyberspace Discussions from the Universe's Original Belief System,
The Seven Noaich Commands as commanded by G-d and taught in Ha Torah.

According To The Vision ©

Bamidbar {Numbers} 8:1 - 12:16

By Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk

This study of Ha Torah is dedicated in the loving memory of Mr. Donald Wayne Belk and Mr. Gary Lee Belk, my older brothers, may they rest in peace.

We read, 'And this is [how] the menorah was made from hardened gold [from] its base to [each of] its blossoms. It was shaped from something seen, [according to] the vision, [everything from Aleph to Tav] that Hashem [showed] Moshe.' Bamidbar 8:4

Sometimes we reach a place where we need a vision. We need a road map to show us what to do. We need to see something that will guide us in our preparation. We need an architectural plan. We need assistance from beyond our realm. This is what Hashem Did for Moshe.

Sometimes we may be short on the skill or technique we need to do the task. We may need a teacher. We may need a video. We may need to see a movie on how to do the task we are facing... This is also what Hashem Did for Moshe.

Years ago before returning to Torah observance I was responsible for managing the family property. Cleaning, painting, repairing and renting, etc. My family owned a beautiful two bedroom bungalow. My younger brothers grew up in this older home. My family purchased another property to live in. It was my responsibility to make our former home ready to lease. It needed to be prepped for painting on the inside. There was enough money in the budget to hire a professional painter. Instead I chose to take the job myself. After all, my father, mother, may she rest in peace, brothers and I had painted many apartments and houses over the years. This was something I was acquainted with. It did not seem that difficult. However I made it difficult... extremely difficult!!

I got impatient. I was in a hurry to get started. I wanted to knock the job out in one day. Those hired to cover the mantle, windows, hardwood floors and other areas were moving much too slow for me. They were doing a very good job but I was impatient. After awhile I could take no more. I hooked up the high pressure sprayer and began spraying everything in sight. Unfortunately this included many areas that should not have been sprayed. The pressure was not correct. The paint mixture was wrong. Many areas had considerable over spray like the oak hardwood floors, window panes, mirrors, ceramic tile, sinks, door handles, etc. I made a real mess of things! This was very embarrassing! My only solace was all of my family was out of town for awhile.

I began trying to clean up the over spray. It only got worse. I wanted to bury my face in my hands and cry. Later that evening, after hours of work, I gave up and went home realizing this was not going to go away without a miracle. Have you every wanted to take back a deed? Have you ever wanted to relive a day? Well...

Late that night I cried, 'Oh Hashem please help me. Look at what I have done. My father is going to kill me. What a stupid thing to do! I need your help! What am I going to do'?

That night I had a dream... I had a vision of a television commercial. It was a short dream. All I saw was the name... the label on a white plastic cleaning bottle. Then I heard these words, 'Remember what happened when you used that product [to clean the dirt from around the light switches]'? I remembered spraying the wall around the dirty area. The spray rolled down the wall removing the dirt and some of the paint also. Obviously the product name is omitted for a reason.

The next morning I instructed my helpers to purchase that product and hurry over to the house. We sprayed it on the hardwood floors then let it settle several minutes. The paint wiped clean! I shouted 'Thank G-d!' We used this spray to clean the paint off of everything. The nightmare was finally under control. Hashem came to my rescue through a dream.

Holy reader, Hashem Uses visions to give us clarity. It is like Hashem Says, 'Quiet on the set! Action! Roll ‘em!' Then the picture begins to play. It was like Hashem gave me a self-help... instructional video... Dear ones, in a more profound way Hashem Showed Moshe every detail on how to create the Menorah from Aleph to Tav.

What do you need the Creator to show you?

Most individuals who visit 7commands.com are searching. What are you searching for?

Wishing you the Best!

Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk

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