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Cyberspace Discussions from the Universe's Original Belief System,
The Seven Noaich Commands as commanded by G-d and taught in Ha Torah.

And In The Course Of A Year ©
{Series on time: Part Three}

By Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk

As a side note:
Noach entered the Tava {Ark} in the 600th year of his life in the second month... Bereisheit {Genesis} 7:11 This was Ha Torah's month Chodesh Sheini {the second month} of the year 1656. The rain began on the seventeenth day of Chodesh Sheini, Bereisheit 7:11, and continued for forty days and nights Bereishiet 7:12. This means that the rain ended around the 27th day of Chodesh Sh'lishi {the third month}.

Ha Torah states that the Tava rested in the seventh month. Does this mean the seventh month of the year or the seventh month from when the rains concluded? This means the Tava rested aproxametly sevens months from when Noach, his family and all the animals entered the Tava. We know that the water prevailed upon the earth for 150 days. Bereishiet 8:3. At the end of 150 days the waters began to diminish. According to Rashi this was Rosh Chodesh Teesh Aw {the first day of the nineth month}. Let’s consider this:

The rains end in the third month on the 27th day with
3 days remaining in the month. The 28th ,29th and 30 still remain in chodesh Sh'lishi. Chodesh Revi'i {the fourth month} has 29 days. Chodesh Chamishi {the fifth month} has 30 days. Chodesh Shishi {the sixth month} has 29 days. Chodesh Shevi't {the seventh month} has 30 days Chodesh Shi Moh Naw {the eighth month} has 29 days. These five months total 150 days, {150 = 3 + 29 +30 + 29 + 30 + 29}. Obviously this means seven months from when they entered the Tava. Count the months in Ha Torah year.

Next we learn that the rain continued to diminish until Chodesh Ay See Ree {the tenth month}. It was on Echad Chodesh Ay See Ree {the first day of the tenth month} that the mountaintops became visible Bereisheit 8:5. Then at the end of forty days from Echad Chodesh Ay See Ree {the first day of the tenth month} Noach opened the window on Ha Tava, Bereisheit 8:6. Noach opened the door to Ha Tava in Baw Ree Shon - Bih Echad Lah Chodesh {In the first month on [day] one}. To the Jew that is Rosh HaShannah {the Head of the Year} and to the Spiritualist it is Oul Yaw Meem - Vih Shaw Neem{And days and years}.

Without going into a detailed explanation here we should take notice that Ha Torah does not say Rosh Chodesh but Bih Echad - Lah Chodesh {In [day] one of the month}in passukim 8.5 and 13 . This is interesting because Noach's flood points back to the beginning of creation when the waters were covering the entire world on Yom Echad {day One}. This could also indicate that the days were longer like the first Yom Echad..

Noach opening the doors of Ha Tava has incredible significance when one understands that the Tava was an Ark of Salvation for the only surviving humans, animals, birds and insects for the entire world. Realizing that the doors of the Tava... the Ark of Salvation were opened on Oul Yaw Meem - Vih Shaw Neem, the Day of Judgment, is indescribable. What I am saying here is this: The judgment was over. The judgment was completed. And the doors of salvation were open to the entire world again.

The earth had begun to dry, Bereishet 8:13. Seven days prior to Oul Yaw Meem - Vih Shaw Neem, the Spiritualist new year, the dove came back bearing an olive branch. This was a sign to those in Ha Tava that on Oul Yaw Meem - Vih Shaw Neem Hashem would forgive the earth and all the inhabitants of the earth, Bereishett 8:11,12. Then on
Chodesh Sheini {the second month} on the twenty-seventh day of the month Hashem Commanded Noach and all the inhabitants of Ha Tava to depart. On that day Noach built a Meez Bay Ach {Altar} to Hashem and presented his offerings. That was one year and ten days from when the rains began.

Notice that ONLY kosher {ritually clean} animals were used by Noach the Spiritualist for offerings to Hashem.

Lets revisit Kayin’s offering in Bereishiet 4. It was rejected. Kayin was extremely angry. His countenance was fallen. He was depressed. It is understandable why he would feel this way. His offering was rejected on Oul Yaw Meem - Vih Shaw Neem, the birthday of the world. Then Hashem has a talk with Kayin that greatly supports the fact this took place on the birthday of the world. Hashem said, ‘Why are you extremely angry? Why is you face fallen? Is it not so that if you improve [you will be] forgiven and if you do not improve sin is crouching at your door? Its desire is to you but you can dominate,’ Bereisheit 4.6,7. In other words, Kayin had sinned. He needed to be forgiven. At this point he was struggling between dominating his problem or giving into it. He was facing his problem on the day all Creation stands before Hashem on Oul Yaw Meem - Vih Shaw Neem, the Spiritualist New Year.

As a final note, I have stated in the past that Spiritualists are not required to observe any Jewish High Holiday. That is still true. Yet Spiritualists are required to observe Oul Yaw Meem - Vih Shaw Neem. Spiritualists may offer either a produce offering or a kosher animal offering. Until we explain how one is to offer an animal we should only offer a produce offering to Hashem on Oul Yaw Meem - Vih Shaw Neem.

I have also said that Spiritualists are not required nor commanded to offer an animal sacrifice. That is true. Hevel and Noach both chose to offer animal sacrifices even though we do not read of them being commanded to do so. Yet we do see the precedent established in Bereisheit 4 for the observance of Oul Yaw Meem - Vih Shaw Neem which is similar to Rosh HaShannah but also very different.

And between the discussion Time, A Challenge to Spirituality and this discussion, we have presented the three times that all Spiritualists are required to consecrate to Hashem. In another lesson, G-d willing, we will address the time that one should consecrate to Hashem in our discussion on Money and the Requirements for Spiritualist Tithing.

Be well, enjoy life, be good to your fellow...

Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk

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