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Cyberspace Discussions from the Universe's Original Belief System,
"The Seven Noaich Commands" as created by G-d and taught in the Torah and in the Bible.

G-d Is To Be Honored With All Our Prayers ©

By Dr. Akiva G. Belk

The Attitude of Prayer:
Prayer is not a list of needs. How does a list of needs demonstrate respect for the King of the Universe who created us? It doesn’t. Actually prayer in its original form was ONLY offerings of praise, appreciation and thanksgiving in an attitude of worship towards G-d. Dear ones, when we journey back to the original couple, neither Adam nor Chava experienced need in Gan Eden. This was before their failings. This was before they were expelled from Gan Eden. Their sin altered the Creator’s original provision for mankind. After the sins of Gan Eden Man would have to work very hard for his daily bread. The ground was cursed with thorns and thistles. Man was relegated to earn his daily bread by the sweat of his brow. Genesis 3:17-19

The sins of Adam and Chava are still upon us. Some world religions fail to accept the depth of Adam and Chava’s sins and how it relates to us, their descendants. The result of their sins altered the pre established provisions of the Creator. In other words, no more easy street. Even in our world today there is no easy street for anyone in comparison to Gan Eden. We are living in the shadow of Gan Eden. If we could see the Light of Gan Eden... If we could experience Gan Eden we would understand that even those who we think have it made have nothing in comparison to Gan Eden. So, dear ones, in light of Adam and Chava’s sin we must understand that we are still struggling with the effects of their sin. And even though G-d does love us, all mankind will continue to struggle with the aftermath of their sin until Moshiach {Messiah} comes. It is then that the pre established provisions of the Creator will be restored. Now this does not mean that G-d does not intercede for His Creation on occasion. He does. Yet mankind is relegated to this world and to the effects of this world until death. Having said this we will now explore prayer.

Honoring G-d with our prayers and making G-d the focal point of our prayers is one of at least eight pillars supporting the Noaich Commandment ‘Do Not Blaspheme G-d's Holy Name.’ As we discussed in the lesson entitled G-d Is To Be Revered, we are commanded not to blaspheme G-d’s Holy Name. This commandment sets a series of principles into action. The act of blasphemy is the exact opposite of showing Fear for G-d. It is the exact opposite of offering G-d Respect as G-d, as Creator of the universe and as King of the universe. So when we are commanded ‘Do not Blaspheme G-d’s Holy Name’ we are also being commanded in the same breath to fear and revere G-d.”

When one is commanded not to blaspheme one is commanded not to speak or act irreverently towards G-d. One is commanded to show respect, reverence and fear towards G-d by not thinking or uttering profane or contemptuous speech. One’s actions must not reflect any form of disrespect towards G-d.

When G-d created us He created this basic understanding within each human. It is natural to be respectful towards the Creator. It is unnatural to blaspheme! Dear ones, this understanding establishes a pattern of respect which emanates from the respect of G-d. So as Spiritualists who are in agreement with the Seven Noaich Commands, we show respect to G-d with our actions. We show respect by what we do and we show respect by what we do not do. Respecting G-d means that we demonstrate honor and esteem to Him.

Dear ones, we do this by openly expressing our love and adoration towards G-d... We honor G-d with the utterance of our mouths. Some call honoring G-d with the utterances of our mouth prayer.

Dear ones, some religions have improperly defined the attitude of prayer from its original position of adoration, thanksgiving and praise to the Creator to one of ‘Give me.’ Prayer is not about ‘give me.’ Prayer is about blessing the Creator. We bless the Creator for a night of rest even if much of it was restless. We bless the Creator for the functions of our body even when certain parts are not functioning properly. We bless the Creator for the bread that we have labored for. Actually we bless the Creator for everything. There is one thing that all companies / employers want to hear: Praise! We may speak unkindly of our employer but to speak unkindly about the Creator is blaspheme.

So Spiritualists accept the cards dealt to them. Spiritualists understand much of the world is not operating from the Creator’s original software. Spiritualists live everyday to bless their Creator in every way and in so doing on occasion request of the King a favor. The life of a Spiritualist is beautiful! It is not bogged down with all the demands of religion. Spirituality is a natural flow. It’s as natural as arising to a beautiful sunrise and saying ‘Thank You, G-d!’ Some Spiritualists may simply say ‘Thank you, G-d.’ Others may be more elaborate like... ‘Blessed is the King and Creator of the Universe for the beautiful sunrise...’ The point is to show appreciation for all G-d has given us.

Dear ones, enjoy the beauty around you. Don’t get so caught up in the fast track that you lose sight of what is around you. In the floor of the desert there are flowers that are so small they must be magnified to see their incredible beauty. The same holds true around each of us if we will just take the time to explore and appreciate.

Enjoy the good life. Be encouraged. Thank the Creator for His goodness!

Dr. Akiva G. Belk

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